You may listen to most of my Hymns at the above link.
1. Come Thou Almighty King
How CD Was Produced. After several years of watching TV night after night I decided to do something so I joined the church choir and every Wednesday night I would go and sing so that was one night of the week that I wasn’t watching TV. I did have another good habit which was swimming laps three times a week and since I did not have an indoor pool in our town in the winter I would drive 25 miles to another town. It was on these drives that I thought it would be nice to sing some of the old Hymn’s that I thought I knew from church. To my surprise I could only remember the refrains so I got a $25.00 cassette tape recorder and I read the words to the Hymns onto the tape. When I was driving to swim I would play the tape and sing along to it. One day my nephew was riding with me and he put my tape in and started playing it and just as fast as he put it in he popped it right back out again and said that is terrible. So I told my wife that I needed a voice quality microphone and a good quality cassette tape recorder, which she gave me for Christmas. After singing to my first tape for 3 or 4 years I re-did it with the new equipment and kept on singing. A few more years passed and one day my niece was riding in the car with me and she put the tape in and really liked it. As a matter of fact every time she gets in the car she puts in the tape first thing and wants me to sing alone. The second tape did sound a lot better then the first and I even made some copies of it for other people. Then came our 10 year all school reunion and I had the idea that I should re-record the songs and give copies to my classmates which I did and I could hear the difference (which was better) in the third recording from the second one so I decided to record each of the 24 songs on it’s own tape and do several takes of the same song. I sang each song 3 times and some of the songs 7 times until I was happy with one from each cassette tape. Then I took the best one from each tape and made a master tape of the 24 Old Time Hymn’s. The next step was to copy it to a CD and then on to the computer, which I use to make copies. It took a lot of years and the final production took four or five months from the time I started making the single masters tapes of each song until I made the master CD copy. You can read more about the CD and see a picture of it if you do a search on eBay for Old Time Hymn Sing.